I am officially joining in the NaBloPoMo July writing challenging by trying to post everyday with a prompt. WIll totally help me get my writing groove back! Check it out if you are interested too!!!
So today's topic...Where would I like to go swimming? Well if it was up to my girls, they would go to our local Elk's Lodge everyday! They love it! And quite honestly, I do too! But if I may dream a bit......
I could picture myself swimming at the bottom of a cascading waterfall, in a very tropical location...the water is crystal clear and clean with reflections from the sun, not to warm, and just the right amount of refreshing cool.
From where I sit, just above the water line, on a smooth boulder, catching the myst of the waterfall, I look out to see a view of lush flora and fauna in bright beautiful greens and bursts of oranges, yellows and violets.
Just me and this wonderous natural pool. If I close my eyes, I can see myself there. I suppose if I can do this and smile, I am half way there!
See you tomorrow! Dive in already!
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